Hahn Profis
Vaihinger Str. 49
75428 Illingen
The branch office is only open by appointment between Mon. and Wed.
By phone we are there for you:
Mo–Fr: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Sales Management:
Mag. Dominik Kerlin, Mag. Jana Moravec
Land Line: 0 9944 890 98 96 /
(due to a huge inquiry, we would like to apologize if we do not answer immediately. You would help us a lot if you take the accessible information like price, delivery time and the like from the product description)
Technical Questions: 0163 02 44 737 / whatsapp
Questions in English only:
Mag. Paula Peterek
Land Line: +44 121 468 3096
Do you have any questions? We'll answer them. Please fill out your contact details carefully.
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Protection of the spoken word
Anyone who records the non-public spoken word of another is liable to prosecution under Section 201 of the Criminal Code. The same applies to anyone who makes such a recording accessible to a third party. Recording a telephone conversation without the consent of the other party is therefore not permitted.